Universal Isolated Programmable Temperature Transmitter w/4-20mA or 20-4mA Output
Temperature / Transmitters / MP200Di

Universal Isolated Programmable Temperature Transmitter w/4-20mA or 20-4mA Output Picture
  • Programmable input : T/C, RTD, mV, mA
  • 2 or 3-wire Pt100 input with linearized output
  • 2-wire loop powered 4-20mA/20-4mA output
  • Cold junction compensation for thermocouples
  • Configuration with a PC via TxConfig interface

MP200Di series comes factory calibrated but is a fully customer re-programmable temperature transmitter. In-the-field configuration of input type and working range can be achieved by means of a cable and an RS232 port from a PC.

  • Model Number

  • 1
    Sensor Type

  • 2
    Temperature Ranges

  • Comments / Specifications


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